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Showing projects with tag #php



A PHP toolbox for responsive image management. The project is a bit clunky, but it’s useful to me. I’m often working on small prototypes where I can’t justify spending time on image management and benefit from a ready-made solution.

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Between 2021-2022, I did some freelance work with AREA 17, a design and development agency in New York. I was a part of the small team that worked on the redesign of CannonDesign’s website. My role was primarily back-end PHP development with Laravel and the in-house open-source Twill CMS.


While freelancing with AREA 17, I was a part of the small team that worked on the redesign of the About Nike website. My role was primarily back-end PHP development with Laravel and the in-house open-source Twill CMS, along with some infrastructure work using Docker, Terraform and AWS.




With AREA 17, I was lucky to get to work on Twill, their in-house open-source CMS. My role involved full-stack development with Laravel and Vue.js, triaging issues and pull requests on GitHub and some user support on GitHub discussions and Discord.


Carmel is a craft cannabis brand in Canada. While freelancing with Wedge, a brand and design agency in Montreal, I was a part of the small team that worked on the creation of the website. My role was full-stack development and integration with PHP, WordPress and the Shopify API.


EuroNoize is a live music event. While freelancing with Croustille, I was a part of the small team that worked on the creation of the website and live voting system. My role was primarily back-end development with PHP, Laravel and the Twilio API.

This project is now offline.

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#php (13) #freelance (10) #laravel (7) #personal (4) #twill (3) #vue (3) #wordpress (3) #filament (2) #ui (2) #interactive (1) #tool (1)